MFA Doesn't Have to Suck.
Gradient Eliminates Account Takeovers.
No Dongle Needed.
Learn More No authenticator apps. No SMS codes. No additional devices. Stealth MFA that Users & Admins LoveTM

The Alternative to Hardware Keys You’ve Been Waiting For

Delivered as a frictionless, passwordless MFA, Gradient unlocks hardware features you already own to achieve military-grade cybersecurity against all forms of identity compromise

Hardware Keys Frustrate Users and IT Operations

Don’t subject users to death by a thousand taps!

Why Choose Gradient?

Hear from our Customers:

“Gradient solves our biggest pain point in securely automating identity & authentication for our highly complex BYOD ecosystem: credential issuance. The integrity measurement capabilities are unprecedented”

SVP & CTO, Major University

“Gradient’s secure identity overlay technology will put our enterprise cybersecurity risks to bed once and for all without impeding operations”

SVP & CTO, Fortune 500 Lender

“Gradient is more than a tool – it’s a holistic solution to unify security posture across all assets”

Director of Security Strategy, Top 3 U.S. Utility

Gradient Benefits

Identity Is Under Attack

White Paper

Securing Digital Infrastructure Against the Next SolarWinds Attack

Learn how Gradient makes it impossible to steal credentials by leveraging the hardware roots of trust already present on most enterprise endpoints, immutably binding the user and device, and continuous attestation.

Learn More About Gradient

The Fastest, Most Convenient Path to Eliminate Credential-Based Cyberattacks

Discover how easy it is to eliminate credential-based cyberattacks and dramatically improve user experience